Late last week I read an article on "Mobile Banker" titled "
In New Mobile Model, Carriers Welcome Many Bank Partners." The article was very well written and outlined the differing opinions on the future of the mobile landscape. However, there was one topic that I'd like to discuss in further detail and that is - browser based mobile banking solutions.
For years this solution has been shunned as slow, unsecure and impossible to develop because of rendering. However, I'm here to unequivocally state that those are myths. Now, I'm not going to speculate on the source of such "tales" but I do believe that they are meant to scare bankers. After all, who benefits if a bank spends just a few bucks to develop an in-house browser solution? That's right - the banks do.
So lets take just a moment to debunk each of the rumors individually.
SecurityLets first tackle the issue of security, because after all it is priority #1. For those new to the space let me begin by clarifying that modern day browser applications are not WAP applications. In fact, you might be surprised to know that the code is actually xhtml which is a fancy way of saying, "the same code that runs your online banking solution." Now, if anyone would like to claim that online banking is not secure we can go down that path, but the discussion would likely end with the topic of Reg E, which interestingly enough, also covers all mobile banking solutions. Additionally, you should now that browser solutions are not simply built and launched. They are subject to the very same safety and security reviews as every other electronic channel and they pass with flying colors.
SpeedNext, lets analyze the speed of a browser solution against a downloadable application and an SMS solution. For this test I'll reference the videos on
YouTube that show a step by step balance request utilizing two of the most successful vendors in the market. The results of the test are as follows:
Time to Conduct a Balance InquiryDownloadable (Firethorn) - 1:03 SMS (Clairmail) - :32 secondsBrowser (Bank of America) - :58 seconds
RenderingThe final myth is that browser applications can not render properly across the thousands of handset/carrier/browser combinations. This one is simple to refute - it's simply not true. Design for the lowest common denominator and your done.
Finally, to drive home the fact that browser based solutions are popular and are taking hold I'll reference the 276 sites on where you can sample just a fraction of the existing browser solutions on the market today.