"Brandon McGee, Industry Insider, Mobile Banking Guru...He is not only the real deal, a genuine industry insider, but also knows exactly what's on the minds of financial service pros as they contemplate the various mobile options." - Jim Bruene, Publisher & Founder, Online Financial Innovations

"Going Mobile. Local executive carves niche as national expert on fast-growing banking-industry technology trend" - Scott Olson, Indianapolis Business Journal (IBJ)

"Brandon McGee, the industry's unofficial ambassador for mobile banking" 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mobile Banking Updates - Jun 16

Press M for mobile banking!
"Offering access to your bank accounts at any time and at any place, mobile banking is as convenient as banking gets. Mobile banking services have long graduated from providing just alerts on your phone. From paying bills to checking credit card dues to making enquiries on your demat holdings to sending money using just mobile numbers, a lot of services are now available at the press of a button. Some banks also help you obtain income-tax certificates or get loan agreement copies, while others tempt you to shop, travel or gift your loved ones through services such as ngpay or mshop which gives access to hundreds of merchants from your mobile phone. So how do you make a start?" >> Continue Reading

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