"Brandon McGee, Industry Insider, Mobile Banking Guru...He is not only the real deal, a genuine industry insider, but also knows exactly what's on the minds of financial service pros as they contemplate the various mobile options." - Jim Bruene, Publisher & Founder, Online Financial Innovations

"Going Mobile. Local executive carves niche as national expert on fast-growing banking-industry technology trend" - Scott Olson, Indianapolis Business Journal (IBJ)

"Brandon McGee, the industry's unofficial ambassador for mobile banking" 

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mergers, Conversions and Mobile Banking

This evening as we wrapped up the tasks for our conversion something occurred to me. In the very near future banks will need to add a mobile banking plan to their bank-wide conversion process. This channel has enough intricacies that it could not conceivably be lumped into the retail online banking or business online banking tasks.

In addition, this is yet another reason for banks to offer a robust mobile solution encompassing: browser based, SMS, and Rich UX solutions. Can you imagine trying to convert a base of customers that passionately use SMS banking to a system that only offers a Rich UX downloadable application?

1 comment:

Serge van Dam said...

Totally agree. It is not only the consumer preference part that merging banks have to deal with, but also consumer habits. Ideally, retail banks will need a mobile commerce platform that supports all modes (message, browse and app), but hopefully they will be able to retain their services in a consolidated platform without having to re-educate consumers (which we all know is painful).